Goji Berry, also known as Himalayan Blueberry or simply the Miracle of the Himalayas!

Goji Berry, also known as Himalayan Blueberry or simply the Miracle of the Himalayas!

Goji Berry, also known as Himalayan Blueberry or simply the Miracle of the Himalayas!

One of the Most Popular Superfoods in the World
Goji berries are small red fruits with a sweet and tangy flavor that can be consumed raw, dried, as juice, or as tea. They have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for more than 5,000 years. These delicate berries cannot be harvested by machine and must be picked by hand.
What’s impressive about the plant is its ability to withstand extreme temperature fluctuations: from cold as low as -20 to -25°C to heat exceeding 40°C. Traditionally, it is cultivated in the Himalayas, Tibet, China, and Mongolia.
Why Dried?
Due to their delicate structure, fresh goji berries have a short shelf life. When fresh, they last only about a week in the refrigerator. They are most commonly consumed dried, as this does not alter their beneficial properties.
A Natural Pharmacy for Your Health
The content of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids in goji berries is six times higher than that in bee pollen. The iron they contain is 15 times greater than in pomegranates, spinach, and green apples. They have 500 times more vitamin C compared to oranges and lemons. Goji berries are rich in linoleic acid, making them an invaluable natural aid for weight loss. Their greatest advantage is the supply of 11 essential amino acids – more than any other common fruit.
Goji berries also contain copper, phosphorus, iodine, potassium, zinc, selenium, and zero cholesterol. The recommended daily and healthy dose of goji berries is 30 grams. With this seemingly minimal amount, this unique fruit provides your body with more vitamin C than oranges, more beta-carotene than carrots, and more iron than a serving of red meat. The berries are rich in antioxidants, particularly beta-carotene and zeaxanthin, which are believed to have rejuvenating effects, improve blood sugar control, support weight loss, and protect against cancer.
Practically, there is no food or drink that cannot be paired with these berries to create something both delicious and healthy.
Health Benefits of Goji Berries
Goji berries boost immunity, improve stomach and liver function, and help relieve stress. They have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular health, and in China, it is believed that consuming 20 grams of goji berries daily will inevitably strengthen the body, slow aging, and increase positive energy.
The berries are considered one of the strongest allies in the fight against excess weight. The most important component in these red fruits, which contributes to their effectiveness in weight loss, is their highly beneficial polysaccharides. These polysaccharides stimulate fat-burning processes. Once in the body, they are quickly absorbed and accelerate metabolism. This increase in metabolism can be up to five times faster, significantly reducing the time required to burn fat.
Promote a Feeling of Fullness
Goji berries have been proven to enhance metabolism and supply the body with fruit fibers, which reduce feelings of hunger. They contain high amounts of linoleic acid, which aids in reducing body weight naturally. A diet that includes goji berries (also known as "wolfberries") should last at least a month to notice results.
Nutritional Information for Goji Berries
In 5 tablespoons of goji berries (~30g), you will find:
  • ~100 calories
  • 0g fat
  • 3g fiber
  • 13g sugar
  • 4g protein
  • 7,510 IU of Vitamin A (approximately 134% of the recommended daily intake)
  • 14mg of Vitamin C (approximately 25% of the recommended daily intake)
  • 12mg of Iron (approximately 10% of the recommended daily intake)
  • 18 amino acids (11 of which are essential).

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